Jumat, 21 Juni 2013


1. Who the ancestral being and what they eat? 2. Which is correct? Humans came from monkeys or apes descended from humans. 3. Possible collisions between planets in the sky could be predicted ? 4. Is it true that western nations (bani israel) is the strongges creatures and how to defeat it ? 5. True age of the Eart can be measured and how ? 1. Ya'juj ma'juj humans are descendans name Kan'am and Kan'am a prophet nuh child.in historical was isolated in a remote by attacking man named Dzulkurnain.Who is it and Why he Dzulkarnain to isolate ?.Dzulkarnain is a man with two horns and have advantages over the common man.it is said that he was a humans extraordinary ability.According to history he never found the rising and setting of the sun (not weird>.Sunrise of the east side where that place ya'juj ma'juj stay.Population of ya'juj ma'juj larger that humans, their mortality rate is smaller than humans,they age much longer on overage than men an are more terrifying them cannibals, they eat of flesh of their ancestors who have died since the place is not anything else ,arid, barrens, regions like death.To avoid the extinction of the Eart'screature malignancy ya'juj ma'juj ,Dzulkarnain creat invisible protective eart.The protector is a simple but effective enough avoid axtinction.Could of be the atmosphere that protects the eart during this time was the work Dzulkarnain? if yes then the planetary rovers must be careful lest he find and break ya'juj ma'juj planets, when it's over already happened.

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Ring of Solomon

How is description ring of Solomon ,where it is and how is power ? All this time description solomon'sring as khilafiyah from time to time until now.many people had contended that ring of Solomon have crown like sun or anything.base of alhadist ring of solomon have crown like crown in Solomon'shead. Where is it. many people and many genie are search until now however not any thing, any body got it including Ifririt (big genie time it).Reputedly avoid unwanted Solomon to wrap and discarded it to deep ocean. Why they are (human and genie)looking for ? The ring have big power, Whosoever has the ring ,he will become the king of the world king of three ,the king of genies , humans and animal.So he also influent three languages namely languages genie , humans and animal. who would not want to have the ring and who do not want to even become a great king.Even ifrit'sgenie still looking for it. Please believe it or no.......thankyou. Bagaimana ilustrasi/bentuk cincin Nabi Sulaiman AS,Dimana keberadaannya dan Bagaimana kekuatannya. Selama ini bentuk cincin Nabi Sulaiman AS menjadi perdebatan dari jaman ke jaman sampai sekarang,banyak orang berpendapat bahwa cincin tersebut bermahkotakan matahariatau apapun.Namun berdasarkan alhadist cincin nabi Sulaiman bermahkotakan persis mahkota yang ada di kepalanya (konon katanya ada tulisan kalimat " Laa ilaa ha illalloh.)Untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan cincin tersebut dibungkus dan dibuang ke samudera yang sangat dalam( konon juga di berikan mantera/bacaan sehingga sangat sulit untuk ditemukan) Dimana keberadaanya, banyak orang dari golongan jin dan manusia mencarinya sampai sekarang , namun belum ada satupun yang mendapatkannya termasuk jin Ifrit (perwira Nabi sulaiman jaman itu) Mengapa mereka mencarinya ? Cincin tersebut punya kekuatan sangat besar, Barang siapa yang mempunyai cincin tersebut, dia akan menjadi raja tiga dunia yaitu raja jin, raja manusia dan raja binatang.Dan dia juga menguasai tiga bahasa yakni bahasa jin ,manusia dan binatang. Siapa yang tidak ingin memiliki cincin tersebut dan siapa yang tidak ingin menjadi Raja Besar , bahkan Jin Ifritpun masih mencarinya sampai sekarang. Silahkan percaya atau tidak......terima kasih.

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Percayakah anda ?

Dinosaurus dan makluk raksasa lainnya hanyalah hewan peliharaan bagi manusia jaman itu (bukan makluk yang menakutkan).

  1. Dino saurus memiliki tinggi kira-kira 25 Mtr  s/d 30 Meter artinya kira-kira 18 kali tinggi manusia sekarang.
  2. Tinggi Nabi Adam AS adalah 60 Hasta ( berdasarkan alhadist) dimana kira-kira 1 hasta jaman itu kalau dikonversikan sekarang adalah 0.6 Mtr s/d 1 mtr sehingga kira kira tingginya 40-60 mtr.

  3. Kesimpulan 
    Nabi Adam AS VS Dinosaurus = 40-60 Mtr vs 25-30 Mtr sehingga Dinosaurus bagi Nabi Adam As ibaratnya kambing saja.